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We use fun and unique approaches to help keep each student interested and engaged in learning.

The transition from Elementary to Middle School can be a scary time.  We focus on efforts of each child so they can understand the importance of education and the preparation that it takes while at home, and in school(s).  We expect our students to be successful and responsible people.  Our approach is to consider this to be the perfect opportunity to help shape their idealism as well as guide them into a growing interest of being achievers, community leaders, having career interest(s), and a global concern for all humanity.

© 2020 Blameless Faces Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  Programs & Curriculum designed is the legal property of Blameless Faces Foundation, Inc.

Our  Preparatory Learning Center is a place where students are excited about learning and supportive of intellectual risk-taking, as well as value the importance of independence and critical thinking. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of race, creed, sex, cast, color, religion and or background.  We abide by the legal law of government and the legal rights and decency of a Godly law both within the United States and globally.  This is a non-religious, non-government and non-political website owned and operated as a non-profit and individual entity.  

​Find us: ​

Winston Salem, North Carolina


Monrovia Liberia, West Africa



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